These days we notice that cultures are being invented, not created naturally as they used to be, and if we continue in this way, we may well speak of the creation of a culture of cultures, since we see the most diverse applications and meanings of both the voice and the cultural concept multiplying recently.
With all these forced cultural changes, it is natural that everyone is plunged into the most absolute confusion and perplexity because they do not have concrete tools to be able to discern and differentiate between their own and other people’s cultures.
We came to use the term cultural with certain additions, such as consumer culture, culture of good drinking, American culture, culture of doing and not doing, sports culture and continue but, we do not dare, because it has already blurred in our heritage to define what is really culture.
In fact, when we talk about culture we are referring to any man, since it is a quality of it, and therefore we can not talk about cultured and non-cultured men. Already for the fact of being human, has culture, the difference between knowledge and skills, geographical situations, ethnic, belief systems, and possibilities is what would give us the cultural difference between humans. That is why, before using the term, it is essential that we recognize a previous definition that validates the concept and avoids misunderstandings.
One of the common definitions of culture indicates that; It is a complete system of beliefs with which the human being is capable of facing the problems that are proper to him. From this we can deduce that if the problem varies, the culture of the individuals will vary and we cannot consequently generalize and put all the humans of a market segment in a common cultural exchange.
Another definition of culture is “the way things are done here and now”, which would also indicate that by varying this “here and now” we will also have different cultural expressions.
What is monoculture? It is the opposite of a multicultural society. It is a fairly homogeneous society, composed of one culture – or a very dominant culture – where traditions, cultural identity and the official language are shared by the vast majority of citizens.
Cultural Identity is managed in several aspects, but the most important is the relationship between social groups, as it represents who we are to others. There are many ways in which identity can be manifested, one of them is that of the State, to have some control over us.
The cultural components in the Identity in the ethnic groups that refers to their ancestors, to the places that they inhabited and that in some way could be said to have inherited them, both the space and everything that characterizes them, their language, their customs, traditions and of course their rituals, that everything mentioned together is something essential as identity in their group. Their foundations come from the past and they have the conviction that they will be able to live their present as they are guided by them. But in order for their ethnicity to endure, they must adapt to the environment in which they live.
It is constantly the tireless struggle of the ethnic groups, their dignity, some think they fight for material things, and sometimes it is true, but what they really fight for is to defend their integrity, for their rights, for their autonomy, in conclusion, for their cultural identity. In conclusion, cultural identity and dependence are a theoretical challenge and a great need, since there is a question that intrigues us: Who are we? in which we have to take into account that there is not a specific answer, but a set of answers that can bring us closer to a reality.
Because accepting the mono-culture or the tradition of each culture is lost, since new cultures are inserted. For this reason people show interest in a new culture to the traditional one. o In economic terms, small national companies disappear due to competition from larger multinational companies. o National cultures do not reach the degree of importance, which should have for the reason that a new culture is more interesting and more entertaining than the traditional one.
Cultural Diversity is the multiplicity of ways in which the cultures of groups and societies are expressed. These expressions are transmitted within and between groups and societies.
Cultural diversity is a driving force for development, not only in terms of economic growth, but also as a means of having a more enriching intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual life. – This diversity is an indispensable component of poverty reduction and the achievement of the goal of sustainable development, thanks in part to the now comprehensive normative framework developed in the cultural sphere.